Civil Services

Repository of knowledge
To support the work of the Civil Parliament, we create an expert base by involving outstanding theoretical experts from each sector and managers experienced in the operational operation of the institutional and business spheres, who continuously record the given situation in their fields, make observations and develop strategic proposals in order to achieve medium and long-term goals. With their help and with the participation of international speakers, we are starting scholarship training for young people interested in public affairs.

Civil Service Centre
At the Civil Service Centre, we want to offer knowledge, methods and tools to communities, with which they can effectively realize their goals, achieve success in problem solving, development, and network building.
We support the work of communities and organizations with databases, mediation by experts, a library of good practices, trainings and workshops.

Training, knowledge base
The Union of Civilians wants to be an incubator for local civil initiatives, organizations and individuals.
The training and mentor program of our service office helps you learn about the rights that belong to everyone, identify interests, learn the knowledge and skills necessary for advocacy, and learn the basics of community building.

Student Services
As part of the Civil Service centre, we are establishing the Student Service, which is a professional support organization for student movements, student communities and student networks.
The clients of the Student Service are school student governments, local and national student organizations and students who want to develop their communities. They provide a framework for active students to find each other, to develop the demand for democracy, civil literacy, to build a network, and to implement programs